Why I am "Awesome"...

For my disclaimer as to why I am "Awesome", see my first post.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lost Sheep... Found by Jesus!

Have you ever meditated on the lost sheep?  Jesus leaves 99 sheep to go search for the ONE that is lost.  He doesn't just let it go because He has 99% of the flock left; He searches until He finds that one, poor, lonely, lost little soul.  The image of Him reaching down to rescue the lamb from a cliff and of Him with the little sheep carried over Jesus' shoulders to his home safe and sound is a great thing to ponder.  He loves each one of us with the ultimate love, the consummate price of laying down His very own life for each one of us because we were made in His image and likeness.  YOU are a beloved son or daughter of God!  He always loves you, cares for you, watches over you and seeks you.  He desires only your complete trust in His will for you.  It seems trite, but if you just sit with it, this is tear-jerking and heart-wrenching:  GOD LOVES YOU!  Meditate on these images and thoughts to see if you aren't just astounded by the love He has just for you!

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