"My grace is sufficient for you; for power is made perfect in weakness," from last Sunday's reading in 2 Corinthians 12. I never really understood it until recently the pronoun My was placed in front of power and if you place your in front of weakness, it may click more for you: "for My power is made perfect in your weakness..."
Sometimes you can just read right over things and not notice them. Other times, you read it; don't get it; try hard to get it several times, but still don't get it. Then, sometimes, God makes it all work!
I sort of relate it to a good King who, of course has power just because he is King, but that power means nothing if he doesn't use it to help feed or take care of the peasants. God expects us to rely totally on Him, yet He gave us free will. Often when we start to rely too much on ourselves, He wakes us up to our complete need for Him by some humiliation or trial so that we have to say, "I can do all things in Him who makes me strong," or "without Him I can do nothing." Trust Him; everything works for His glory if you only try to offer it all back to Him whether it seems good or bad to you. There was an example of birds needing air resistance and lift to fly; we need that resistance sometimes!
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